qPad is a simple standalone unicode note-taking and plain text app for windows. It can be a good alternative for Windows' Notepad; just start your paragraph with a Right-to-left language (such as Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, etc) or a RTL Mark to make it right-aligned!
Simple and Lightweight
qPad has built using C++/Qt and can be run on all Windows versions without any installations required; Also unlike electron-based editors, it has a very quick startup and takes least memory possible!
Detect file's encoding
When you load a file, if it has an encoding other than UTF-8, a list of possible encodings shows up and you can open the file with the proper encoding.
Handy Find and Replace Tool
You can find multi-line expressions and replace them with another expression. If you are typing in Arabic or Persian languages, you can keep 'Match Alef Hamza' unckecked so search would be more flexible.
Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more.
It will help you to create, personalize and distribute newsletters, brochures.
Open, print, share, annotate, form-fill, and add signatures to PDF documents.